Wild & Vegan Corina Merkel

Eco Projekt Grindaheim

Gindaheim goes green. We started a project in Grindaheim in connection to our ecological garden house. We want to live as much as possible in harmony with nature, trying not to use animal products, and to do so with most of the industrial sugar. We want to eat as healthy as possible. This is a personal decision, and no one who wants to eat meat is condemned by us here. :-) I want to try to live in the most possible pure way again.

Who decides mass animal husbandry is OK ? Who decides to poison our vegetables ? Who decides these masses of plastic in which everything is packaged ? Who decides this madness? 

We, ourselves. We decide every day as consumers what we want to buy. I would be the first to go with my jamglass in the supermarkets to get my products without plastic, as natural as possible. 

We all have to try. We all have to find our own way in this industry madness. At the moment i am creating my own cosmetic line of natural products. Wild & Vegan.

Wake up world! 

Eco prosjekt Grindaheim.

Corina Merkel



Wild & Vegan- Corina Merkel

Country kitchen Grindaheim.

In the plant-based kitchen, we try to use as few animal products as possible, without white flour and white sugar. Here we can try and have fun. Many alternative artists eat vegan, so it is a broad culture scene, e.g. in the big cities like (Oslo) / (Berlin), where the alternative vegan rock scene meets. Here we see that making the food yourself can be cool. I have many recipes such as "Punk Rock Burger", children and young people really like to bake their own bread and try it out.